The OK TO ASK campaign is a local initiative which encourages everyone in St Helens to NOT be afraid to talk about suicide prevention - in order to help save the lives of those who might be.

By spotting and recognising the signals, breaking down stigma and silence and learning what to do when you think someone you know wants to end their own life - we can all help prevent suicide.


“We want all parts of society talking about suicide and taking action to maintain good mental health, so that it is as normal as talking about and maintaining physical health.”
Samaritans & The National Suicide Prevention Alliance, 2018

The above national call-to-action calls on organisations across the UK to take action and help break down the stigma which surrounds talking about suicide.

Member organisations of the St Helens Suicide Prevention Action Group have worked together with residents, professionals and other local organisations to produce a borough-wide multi-agency marketing campaign, aimed at mobilising the public with education and resources for suicide prevention and also to break down the silence and discrimination which stops people from asking for help.

Our funding partners

We would like to thank the following funding partners and local agencies, for their contributions towards the campaign:


Other local agencies and support services: